After Jam Update!!:

Pt1: Game was updated right after the jam introducing the fixes from fixed version, some more ending fixes, and should be no more music bug Most definitely still there... frick me

Pt2: Minor balancing, music bug fix (hopefully fr this time), BG extensions where you could see behind them, changed tutorial dialogue to hopefully be more helpful, some added checkpoints for smootheness at the end (doesn't effect actual gameplay really), close button for options menu, and I don't remember adding anything else

Music Bug Fix: 

For some reason at least on web you have to turn the music down and then up to get it to play. Open options and move the slider to do this. Also gonna mention sound effects were nixed because of time 


Enable it in the options in the main menu

Things cut from the game (Some things are added in the After Jam Upd pt2)

  1. Play testing and it shows: I am quite upset at not catching what I did at the end. Making me create a fixed version which is illegible for voting. To note exactly what happened, I didn’t actually duplicate one Sydney dialogue trigger and Garnt Dialogue trigger in the explanations for mechanics. I also forgot for the dialogue triggers between the second Garnt dialogue and end of the game to add the Dialogue Box input to the Dialogue triggers. And for the final triggers in the game for the checkpoint, dialogue, and to show the buttons I forgot to move them with the rest of the area. All of these things are fixed in the fixed version. So fun :p
  2. Properly designing the areas: Wales and Japan would have been better stages if I had more time. I rushed making them (especially Japan) and so they are unbalanced and short
  3. Sound effects: The game had sound effects made (as well as some I needed to make), but I never got to actually adding them to the game
  4. Death dialogue from Garnt or Sydney
  5. B.S. Zone aka third stage of the game: I had a third stage planned that featured Joey, and more cool mechanics that were made, but didn’t have time to make the area. Honestly was gonna have the coolest mechanics, but whatever
  6. A way to close the side options menu
  7. A way to quit or return to main menu from in game
  8. Random moving player in menu
  9. Some background assets
  10. More thought out dialogue: all the dialogue that you can’t see that was in the middle of the game is pretty rushed.

Soundtrack, Art, and Other things

In case you wanted to see what didn’t make it into the game more, wanted to look at a certain detail, or just wanted to save the soundtrack

  • OST Entirety of the soundtrack right here. All of it was made in with essential only retro instruments. Dev note, B.S. Zone was designed to sound unconventional and overall bad
  • Art Most art assets can be found here. It doesn’t show some assets that were super redundant like each and every player sprite, nor some assorted sprites used. The game mostly had a 27 color, color palette. Excluding some UI stuff, and the dialogue icons which used colors outside this
  • Font Custom font made for the game
  • Saturday Morning to Afternoon Stream and Sunday Morning Stream in case you want to see how I did programming and some of the code and progress. None of the Sunday Evening, Saturday Night, or Friday Night work is shown here.


  • A and D (alternatively left and right arrows) to pedal left and right. The bike uses a two speed system. One for the wheels and one for the bike itself, keep this in mind.
  • S (alternatively down arrow) brakes the bike
  • Space (alternatively up arrow) jumps. Note you can’t control the bike in air
  • Shift (either works) pedals faster for stamina. (Note stamina bar is a bit bugged and sometimes doesn’t fill up right)
  • Enter (or LMB) to go through dialogue


  • Spikes: Send you back to checkpoint
  • Ice: Easily buggiest thing in the game, slows you down, speeds you up. Very slippery with little traction, and can cause you to go flying
  • Gray Orbs: Brake for you
  • Orange Orbs: Fills stamina
  • (Unused) Blue Orbs: Flips moving direction
  • (Unused) Arrow Orbs: Propel you in their pointed direction


  • Connor: Who you play as. Just normal Connor
  • Aerodynamic Garnt: Garnt from a different universe. Seems to make more puns
  • (Fixed only) Vanilla Sydney: Is she southern? Sydney from a different universe
  • (Unused) B.S. Joey: He’s called that because he has Bad style and everything he says is bs
  • (Fixed only) New York Times Worst Seller Chris: Chris from a different universe. He has horrible story telling abilities that can even infect reality
  • (Fixed only) Tungsten Rat: An ironmouse from a different universe that is truly a devil
  • (Fixed only) Ironmouse: Normal ol Ironmouse


Only including actual gameplay areas

  • Wales: mild corruption, should have been easy
  • Japan: worse corruption: should have been a bit harder
  • (Cut) B.S. Zone: horrific corruption: should have been hard

Past Monkey Jam’s games

The horribly buggy, Monke Town

Bonus Dev Notes:

My first time making an actual game in unity, and I was kinda busy that weekend. On one hand I am happy with what I got. On the other hand I will forever remember how I screwed up the dialogue and ending on the jam version. Just give me my bottom 20 already ;-;. I like the sound track and visuals, but there are some visual bugs. Wish I could have added six, and they would have brought it together more. The mechanics aren’t bad, but ice is annoyingly buggy. Levels are too hard and unbalanced, and the third area would have made it feel more complete. Final area is ugly. Besides that this game was cool in theory.


M 40 MB
L 43 MB
W 41 MB
W After Jam 41 MB
M After Jam 40 MB
L After Jam 43 MB

Development log

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